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Conclave: Fun facts

Deacon Pedro

Monday, March 11, 2013

Here are a few fun facts about Conclaves in modern history, courtesy of Vatican Radio. The information is provided by Dr. Donald Prudlo, Associate Professor of History at Jacksonville State University, Alabama.
1740 election of Benedict XIV (d. 1758)
51 electors, 4 died during conclave
18 Feb - 17 August (181 days) LONGEST IN MODERN HISTORY
1758 election of Clement XIII (d. 1769)
45 electors, 44 at final ballot
15 May - 6 July (53 days)
1769 election of Clement XIV (d. 1774) (Clement was O.F.M. Conv.)
46 electors
15 Feb - 19 May (94 days)
1774-1775 election of Pius VI (d. 1799)
44 electors, 2 died
5 Oct 1774 - 15 Feb 1775 (133 days)
1799-1800 election of Pius VII (d. 1823) (Took place in Venice; Rome was occupied, last election outside of Rome)
34 electors
1 Dec 1799 - 14 March 1800 (105 days)
1823 election of Leo XII (d. 1829)
49 electors
2 Sep - 28 - Sep (27 days)
1829 election of Pius VIII (d. 1830)
50 electors
24 Feb - 31 March (36 days)
1830-1831 election of Gregory XVI (d. 1846) (LAST CARDINAL WHO WAS NOT A BISHOP TO BE ELECTED)
45 electors
14 Dec 1830 - 2 Feb 1831 (51 days)
1846 Bl. Pius IX (d. 1878) (beginning of the short conclaves)
50 electors
14-16 June (3 days)
1878 Leo XII (d. 1903) (First non European Cardinal arrives too late, John McCloskey of NYC)
61 electors
18-20 Feb (3 days)
1903 St. Pius X (d. 1914) (First non-European elector, Gibbons, Baltimore; last ius exclusivae -- the so-called 'veto' which was formally abolished by Pius X)
64 electors
7 Ballots
31 Jul - 4 Aug (4 days)
1914 Benedict XV (d. 1922) (2 Americans and 1 Quebecer locked out of Conclave having arrived late; 1st Latin American Cardinal)
57 electors
10 ballots
(31 Aug - 3 Sep)
1922 Pius XI (d. 1939) (2 Americans and 1 Quebecer locked out of Conclave AGAIN -- after this Conclave, a 15 day rule was instituted to allow all Cardinal electors time to arrive)
53 electors
14 ballots
2-6 Feb (5 days)
1939 Pius XII (d. 1958) (1st Eastern Rite Patriarch participates)
62 electors (all living cardinals)
1-2 March (2 days)
1958 Bl. John XXIII (d. 1963) (First Chinese, Indian, and African Cardinals)
51 electors
11 ballots
25-28 Oct (4 days)
1963 Paul VI (d. 1978)
80 electors
6 ballots
19-21 June (3 days)
1978 John Paul I (d. 1978) (First conclave where over 80-year-olds didn’t participate)
111 electors
4 ballots
25-26 Aug (2 days)
1978 Bl. John Paul II (d. 2005)
111 electors
8 ballots
14-16 Oct (3 days)
2005 Benedict XVI
4 ballots
18-19 April (2 days)
First conclave in Lent since 1829 (AGAIN, 115 ELECTORS THIS TIME)

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