World Youth Day Krakow 2016 Official Video

Salt + Light Media

December 16, 2015
The official video for the hymn for World Youth Day Krakow 2016 was released today. Below you will find the full song in Polish along with the English translation.
English translation of the WYD2016 hymn, "Blogoslawieni milosierni" (“Blessed are the Merciful”):
Blessed Are the Merciful
I raise my eyes to the mountains,
from where help will come
from the Lord, because He
is a merciful God!
When we are lost, He looks for us,
so as to take us in His arms,
healing our wounds with the blood of His wounds,
breathing new life into us.
Blessed are the merciful
For they shall receive mercy!
If the Lord did not forgive us our sins
who could survive alone?
But He forgives, so too
should we do as our God!
By His own Son’s blood God erased every debt
His Son rose alive from the tomb;
“Jesus is Lord” – the Spirit tells us from within.
Let the world see this!
So throw away your fear and have faith,
confide your problems in the Lord
and trust in Him, for He is risen
and is alive, your God!
Translated by Henryk Michael Kurylewski, founder and choreographer of Obertas in Brisbane, Australia