


1. 離婚再婚者是教會的一分子,而非受絕罰者。
The divorced who have entered a new union should be made to feel part of the Church. They are not excommunicated.

2. 懂得寬恕也感到被寬恕是家庭生活中的一種基本經驗。
To know how to forgive and feel forgiven is a basic experience in family life.

3. 忠貞常與耐心相伴。它的犧牲和喜悅隨著年歲增長而開花結果。
Fidelity has to do with patience. Its joys and sacrifices bear fruit as the years go by.

4. 子女是天主的奇妙恩典,是父母的喜悅。
Children are a wonderful gift from God and a joy for parents.

5. 家庭是我們學習傾聽和分享、容忍和尊重,以及互相幫助的首要場所。
The family is where we first learn to listen and share, to be patient and show respect, to help one another.

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