
【鹽與光電視】第9屆世界家庭會議將於2018年8月22日至26日在愛爾蘭都柏林舉行,主題為「家庭的福音,世界的喜樂」。而大會的主題曲於2017年6月發布,主題曲名為“A Joy For All The Earth” (本台暫譯:全球的喜樂),由愛爾蘭的Ephrem Feeley先生作曲、填詞。他是愛爾蘭最著名的禮儀音樂作曲家之一,有超過200首適合用於天主教的音樂作品。

此曲的靈感來自教宗方濟各在兩次以家庭為主題的世界主教會議後發表的《愛的喜樂》勸諭 (Amoris Laetitia)。勸諭大部分的內容都是來自格林多前書第13章,而作者感到歌曲應該要以這出自保祿宗徒所寫,那麼美麗的章節為開端。此曲由管弦樂伴奏,更突出其簡潔和優雅。



Love bears all things, endures all things
Love longs for all things good, love never ends
Love is patient, and love is kind.
Love is not resentful; it is not rude.
Love is not arrogant, nor boastful, nor jealous,
but love rejoices, rejoices in the truth

*The joy, of love, a joy for all God’s family,
The joy of love transcending time and space.
Our Love for each other mirrors God the Father’s love.
The joy of love: a joy for all the earth.*

Here in Gods family all find their home.
All can find salvation troubled souls find peace.
Here is found tenderness, compassion and justice
Here God reaches down to us and touches us with grace.

Love is our origin, our constant calling.
Love is our fulfilment, in God’s dwelling place.
Love is the mystery of Father, Son and Spirit,
Love is communion of blessed Trinity.

This is what God asks of us, to act with justice,
to love with tenderness, to walk humbly with God,
to give our lives in service to others.
The joy of the Gospel is the joyful love of Christ!

Love bears all things, endures all things
love longs for all things good, love never ends.



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