A New Adventure Begins

by Mary Rose Bacani

Mary Rose Bacani

Salt + Light Director of Programming Gita Hosek called me to her office around the summer of 2009.

“One of my dream projects,” she said, “is a production on Fr. Michael Prieur’s book Panes of Glory.” 

She handed me the book to look at.  Her eyes lit up when she talked about the book, the beautiful windows at St. Peter’s Seminary, the host who would work with Fr. Prieur on-camera, and the awesome choir we would find to sing within the production. 

“Some time ago, Fr. Rosica,” she continued, “shared with me his idea of a production around the windows of the chapel of St. Peter’s Seminary.  He said this was an important project and asked me to look into how we could make it a reality.  But finding the right time to work on it is key.  We need the right crew and the proper technical equipment – but, oh, it will be wonderful!”

The way she was talking to me, I knew she was asking me to take on this project.  I quickly learned that I would host it as well.  And work on the script with Fr. Prieur.  GULP!  What do I know about art history?  And choral music? 

A new adventure had begun!

If I were a window-maker….

If I could make three stained glass window panes of my most memorable moments of working on this production, it’d be on these:

Mary Rose BacaniFIRST: Fr. Michael Prieur laughing as he opens the doors to the Seminary chapel

Fr. Prieur was always the “ghost priest” for me.  For years, I would hear stories about him, but would always just miss meeting him.  One religious sister I know called him Fr. Happy-Man.  Because that’s what he is – a bundle of energy and joy.

It took us a few months in the winter of 2009 and spring of 2010 to nail down episode themes and windows to cover.  Just imagine, we were working with a 216-page book with historical, doctrinal and spiritual value!   

We adjusted our script as we filmed as well.  Leave it to the spontaneity of Fr. Happy-Man!

Amabile ChoirSECOND: Amabile Choir members singing before saints in heaven

Amabile Choirs from London, Ontario contributed their musical talents to this production, and they sounded heavenly.  For five nights in total, we filmed members of three of the Amabile Choirs singing.  Over and over and over again!  It was incredible because some of them had to stay as late as midnight!  Parents of some of the younger ones would wait patiently by the chapel doors to bring their children home.  Everyone was very generous with their time and talents.

CrewTHIRD: The whole crew flying up with lit balloons

It was a real joy to work, live, and eat with an amazing crew for ten full days in May of 2010.  We stayed on the grounds of St. Peter’s Seminary, which was like having a retreat or time away at the cottage for most of us.  Salt + Light hired a very experienced director with a musical background to work with the filming of the choir and the hosting segments, with the support of a very talented crew.  And the helium-filled lighting balloons – Fr. Prieur, especially, couldn’t get enough of seeing them floating in the chapel. 

We hope that Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter's Seminary will radiate the same beauty and joy that we all experienced working on it.  Enjoy!