A letter from Archbishop Rino Fisichella
From: Pontificium Consilium de Nova Evangelizatione Promovenda
Sent: Mon 12/10/2012
To: Thomas Rosica
Subject: da S.E. Mons. Rino Fisichella

Dear Fr. Thomas,

Congratulations on the tenth Anniversary of Salt and Light Television!

During these past ten years, you and your staff have truly promoted the New Evangelization in a most powerful and effective way in Canada. Your outreach through television, in multiple languages, to both young and old is truly a blessing to the Church in Canada and beyond.

Please know of my support and my prayers for you and your important ministry as you begin your second decade of service to the mission of the New Evangelization.

With every good wish, I remain

Yours sincerely in Christ,

+Rino Fisichella
President, Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization
Vatican City