BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson presented his annual report at the Knights of Columbus convention on Tuesday. Click HERE to read through the report — which is well organized and easily read on the Knights’ website. (it’s available in PDF format HERE) In addition to the interesting history of the Knights in Quebec, I found the more
Canada’s Salt and Light Catholic Television Network has been chosen as recipient of the 2008 Gabriel Award for “Television Station of the Year” by the Catholic Academy for Communications Arts Professionals. The news was made public on July 30, 2008 by the Catholic Academy’s Headquarters in Dayton, Ohio. The Gabriel Awards were established in 1965 more
Vatican expert John Allen recently mentioned Alicia Ambrosio’s Catholic Focus on Catholic Media in one of his articles, HERE. You can watch the episode online for yourself HERE. more
It’s been a busy spring and summer for us at Salt + Light Television. April featured the Holy Father’s trip to the United States, May brought us the Catholic Media Convention. In June we celebrated the wonderful Eucharistic Congress, and just a couple of weeks ago the world traveled to Sydney for an incredible WYD. more
Being Co-Creators with God: Resources for the Church’s teaching on Human Sexuality and Fertility Care more
In the mellow days of summer, why not taking some time to relax with Sacred Scripture? Salt + Light Television is replaying every Friday evening the popular Lectio Divina series with Archbishop Thomas Collins. In each episode the Archbishop reads over a segment of Scripture, and then offers a reflection on it. Viewers can follow more
As Pope Benedict enjoys the charming natural surroundings in Bressanone, one of his prayer intentions for August appropriately calls to mind seeing the beauty of God in Creation. Here are the Holy Father’s intentions for the month: General Intention: That the human family may know how to respect God’s design for the world and thus more
It’s been announced that Pope Benedict XVI will visit the shrine of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Pompei on October 19th. Pompei’s Bishop Carlo Liberati said that the Holy Father will celebrate Mass at the shrine, and will entrust himself, as well as the Synod of Bishops to the Virgin Mary. The more
Pope Benedict’s offered a fond reflection on World Youth Day at his weekly Angelus address. Click HERE for that. You’ll note that in the Zenit translation, after the address, in Italian, the Holy Father said: I greet all those who are vacationing now, wishing them serene days of profitable physical and spiritual leisure. However, I more
It’s hard to believe that we’re almost a week removed since World Youth Day in Sydney. All the hard work by staff over the past three years culminated in a successful and spectacular event Down Under. The seeds have been planted and hopefully they will yield much fruit! Pedro Guevara Mann, a producer familiar to more