BLOG: Cheridan%20Sanders
The Regina Coeli address from the Zagreb Hippodrome, Croatia.  The Holy Father entrusts Croatian families to Mary, Mother of Christ and our Mother. Dear Brothers and Sisters! Before concluding this solemn celebration, I wish to thank you for your fervent and devout participation, through which you express your love and your commitment to the family, more
Thousands of Croatian faithful gathered as the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, celebrated mass at the Zagreb Hippodrome, Croatia. The mass was celebrated under sunny skies in the open-air stadium. The sung parts of the mass were exceptionally glorifying to God! Following is the Holy Father’s homily on the occasion of the National Day of more
The Holy Father addresses Croatian youth at the Prayer Vigil in Ban Josip Jelacic square. The Holy Father got an opportunity to hear two very moving personal testimonies from Croatian youths. The Holy Father also spoke about the challenges of youth: marked by a deep longing and questioning. The Holy Father says that Jesus Christ more
The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI says that religion is a natural element of society as it places man in right relation with God. He spoke on the importance of our conscience. The Holy Father said that our conscience is the place in which to listen to truth and goodness. It is also the place more
Upon his arrival at the international airport in Zagreb, Croatia, the Holy Father makes this joyful address on the first National Day of Croatian Catholic Families. He speaks of Croatia’s strong bonds and faithfulness to the Holy See, and the importance of family values: Mr President, Dear Brother Bishops, Distinguished Authorities, Dear Brothers and Sisters, more
Recently while I was working on a project called Enduring Gift: Catholic Education in Ontario I had the privilege of looking through some exceptional archival material. There were documents and images dating from the 1800’s to the present day. It was an interesting experience! I think, like most Catholic high school students I imbibed the more
Totus Tuus – “totally yours” – the apostolic motto for Pope John II inspired by Mother Mary’s perfect example, is also the title of the concert gala hosted by Catholic Youth Studio on Sunday, May 8th at Roy Thompson Hall. The Mother’s Day gala concert is in honour of Pope John Paul’s May 1st beatification more
In anticipation of his May 1st beatification, the Knights of Columbus Museum is hosting a special exhibit on Pope John Paul II. The show is titled Blessed: A Tribute to John Paul II. It features personal effects of the late Pontiff, as well as mementos of his apostolic journeys to North America. Of particular interest, more
Which is your favourite Holy Week liturgy? Of the 156 people who responded to the question, Easter Vigil came out on top with 82 votes. Good Friday received 27 votes, Holy Thursday 20 votes, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday came out almost even at 12 and 11 respectively… and there 4 votes in the ‘other’ more
Roza or the Courage to Choose Life , a graphic novel written and illustrated by Congolese artist Séraphin Kajibwami is the latest peace initiative from Development and Peace in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The graphic novel tells the story of a community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) struggling more