BLOG: Michael Carrera
Many people aspire to be doctors, lawyers and astronauts at a very young age. In today’s tough economic times, you may surprised to learn who has the best job. Look no further. Forbes Magazine released an article on Monday entitled The Ten Happiest Jobs, which ranks clergy at the top of their list for happiest more
As many of you already know, our Mass will be a little different starting this Advent season. The way Catholics celebrate the Eucharist follows a standard form. We call this the Order of Mass. It is comprised of four main parts: the Introductory Rites, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and more
Do you have to attend World Youth Day in order to have a ‘World Youth Day experience’? That’s the question Pedro Guevara-Mann is asking on Perspectives Weekly. Joining him for this discussion are Father Chris Valka, CSB and S+L Associate Producers Andrew Santos and Cheridan Eygelaar. Having recently returned from Madrid — the site of more
Yesterday was the Feast of the Triumph or Exaltation of the Cross. For the last two days on the S+L Blog, we’ve been looking at why we exalt the cross, an instrument of death. We saw that Jesus died to destroy death for ever, so we don’t have to be under the power of death more
Today is the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. Yesterday on the blog, we looked at why we honour the Cross: Because it reminds us that Jesus died to save us. And this is where I have a problem. Why do we need to be saved by Jesus’ death? I remember growing up learning more
“Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim…” That’s a song we all know, but what does it mean? Why do we lift high the Cross? Tomorrow is the feast of the Triumph of the Cross, also called the Exaltation of the Cross. Did you know that we celebrate this feast tomorrow? Have you more
In this report, Catholic New Service follows pilgrims as they celebrate Mass in New York. They then trace the final steps of Franciscan Father Mychal Judge, who died on September 11, 2001. more
I returned home from World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain almost two weeks ago — honestly, one of the most incredible trips of my life. There are no words to express how I feel. I still find myself wrapped with plenty of emotion and with a ton of WYD withdrawal. That’s to be expected with any sort of trip, more
He was an apostle who lived by his simple motto: Jesus is Lord. This is how the Archbishop of Toronto described his predecessor, the late Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic, in his homily on Wednesday morning. Archbishop Thomas Collins presided over the Cardinal’s funeral in St. Michael’s Cathedral. The Cathedral was overflowing with 1000 mourners. Representatives of more
This morning, the Archbishop of Toronto presided at the funeral of his predecessor, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic. Archbishop Thomas Collins delivered the following homily to the congregation of over 1000 faithful who attended. [singlepic id=168 w=400 h=300 float=right]As we gather to mourn Cardinal Ambrozic, and to celebrate this Funeral Mass for the repose of his soul, more