BLOG: Michael Carrera
As Pope Benedict enjoys the charming natural surroundings in Bressanone, one of his prayer intentions for August appropriately calls to mind seeing the beauty of God in Creation. Here are the Holy Father’s intentions for the month: General Intention: That the human family may know how to respect God’s design for the world and thus more
Tonight’s Catholic Focus is special for a couple reasons: one being that it’s my very first! Secondly, the guests that appear on the program. The Catholic Register’s publisher and editor Joseph Sinasac joins me in studio to look at the world of Catholic media; it’s ups and downs, and why a journalist would want to more
No doubt moms and families have a loooonnnggg list of Things to Do. School, sports, music, family time, chores, and on and on and on. So – take a look at that list again. Where does faith fit in? Today on Mothering, Full of Grace we’re talking schedules. Join moms as they talk about how more
It’s been announced that Pope Benedict XVI will visit the shrine of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Pompei on October 19th. Pompei’s Bishop Carlo Liberati said that the Holy Father will celebrate Mass at the shrine, and will entrust himself, as well as the Synod of Bishops to the Virgin Mary. The more
Pope Benedict’s offered a fond reflection on World Youth Day at his weekly Angelus address. Click HERE for that. You’ll note that in the Zenit translation, after the address, in Italian, the Holy Father said: I greet all those who are vacationing now, wishing them serene days of profitable physical and spiritual leisure. However, I more
For part two of our two-part series called “Left Behind”, we had a chance to catch up one more time with Mr. Richard Valenti, Editor/Cameraman at Salt + Light Television. Q: Mr. Valenti, did we not wish you a safe trip to Toronto on FRIDAY? Why are you still here? Mr. Valenti: Well, apparently, we more
Breaking news today: Air Canada Flight 730 departed Sydney for Toronto today, July 25th, leaving behind three prominent media personnel from Canada’s only Catholic Television Network, Salt + Light Television: Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, CEO; Mary Rose Bacani, Producer/Host; and Richard Valenti, Editor/Camera. For our “Left Behind” series, we were able to have an exclusive more
As mentioned earlier, the main reason Fr. Tom came to Adelaide was to speak about St. Gianna Molla at a Triduum of Masses. Tonight, at the third and final night of his talks, something very special happened. But for you to appreciate the significance of what happened this night, you have to understand what we’ve more
It’s hard to believe that we’re almost a week removed since World Youth Day in Sydney. All the hard work by staff over the past three years culminated in a successful and spectacular event Down Under. The seeds have been planted and hopefully they will yield much fruit! Pedro Guevara Mann, a producer familiar to more
Today we visited a chapel in Adelaide where Blessed Mary MacKillop received her excommunication from Bishop Sheil, who was the Bishop of Adelaide at the time. The WYD patron profile of Australia’s saint states: “The zeal of saints often raises criticism. And Mary was the recipient of uncertainty and even jealousy from those around her, more