BLOG: Michael Carrera
With Vespers at St. Paul Outside the Walls on Saturday evening, on the eve of the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Pope Benedict XVI will inaugurate a year dedicated to St. Paul! The year marks the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of the Apostle of the Gentiles, and is an invitation by the Holy more
There’s a special event that happens every second Sunday at Toronto’s St. Michael’s Cathedral. Toronto’s chief shepherd, Archbishop Thomas Collins, welcomes the faithful for an evening of Vespers and Lectio Divina. This divine reading is a meditation on scripture. For the past nine months the Archbishop has been working through the Sermon on the Mount. more
Tune in this Saturday, June 28th, at 7pm or 11pm ET for a brand new episode of Catholic Focus! Learn all about CAIC, a financial lender that is taking social justice to the next level. This episode features three of its borrowers, all of which are building alternative economic structures that are supportive of worker more
For those who didn’t catch the emotional finale to 64 Days with the Ark, S+L’s first reality series, the encore presentation airs this Friday at 8 PM (EST). Or, as of today, you can now watch the complete series HERE. We thank all our viewers who witnessed the unforgettable journey from Midland to Quebec City. more
I remember sauntering into the dining room of our hotel for breakfast, and I must have been looking dazed and tired because a Sister came up to me and said, “You don’t look as perky as you do most mornings this week. I just wanted to let you know, as a fan!” That was sweet more
[This blog comes from Christopher Pietraszko, a seminarian interning with Salt + Light. Christopher and Christopher Marentette helped out our team at the IEC] It all began with two seminarians leaving on the train, early…very early, to head off to Quebec City from Toronto. After nine hours of travel, the two Salt + Light seminarians, more
Saturday was one of our craziest days ever. We had to pack up all our equipment after the Morning Mass because we had to bring our control room, editing suite, box, etc., to the Plains of Abraham, where the Sunday Mass was going to be. The Pepsi Coliseum was no more!! BUT we still left more
It was so sunny… so warm, even hot! Sure, it looked a little dark in the distance, but surely it was a few hours away — the 50-some thousand people who had gathered for the Statio Orbis to close the International Eucharistic Congress will certainly be able to enjoy sunny skies until the completion of more
Cardinal Marc Ouellet delivered a bold declaration last night at the 49th International Eucharistic Congress. To an audience of a few thousand youth, Canada’s Primate began by saying that, after one week of the Congress, he felt “as if I was raised from the dead.” While the comment was meant to emphasize his joy this more
I must express that I experienced a tinge of sadness today. I had finished with shooting my Zoom segments. It was so much fun covering the stories on the Youth Pavilion, Workshops, CCO/Youth Service, Adoration, Reconciliation, Park of Saints and Blesseds, Prayer Service with the Archdiocese of Toronto, Procession, among other things. You know why? more