BLOG: Michael Carrera
I hope you had a chance to catch Wednesday’s edition of Zoom, where we filmed on location at Ontario’s Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board’s Faith Day, held in Mississauga. Host Kris Dmytrenko and cameraman Wally Tello weren’t the only Salt + Light staff on hand, in fact ten of us were there filming, tracking more
As we enter November, let’s consider the Papal Prayer Intentions. Pope Benedict’s mission intention for November is: “That in the Korean peninsula the spirit of reconciliation and peace may grow.” His general prayer intention is: “That those dedicated to medical research and all those engaged in legislative activity may always have deep respect for human more
A programming note as we enter into the month of November — a month where Catholics recall the Saints of our Church and the Souls in Purgatory. On Thursday, November 1st, All Saints, Salt + Light will broadcast the regular Angelus address by Pope Benedict XVI at 12pm ET. In the afternoon Cardinal Ruini, the more
The month of November is just around the corner. In the Catholic tradition, it’s a month that we remember the souls in purgatory and the saints. In my own life it’s rare for a day to pass without appealing to the saints. St. Anthony often gets a call as it has become ritual for me more
Let’s be honest: it can get depressing to constantly hear the media focus on sports scandals. There is a seemingly endless parade of athletes taking steroids, running dog fighting operations, or being arrested in bar room brawls. Get ready for some inspirational sports stories for once! The Wednesday October 24 edition of Catholic Focus, airing more
[ The following is a blog entry from David LeRoss, one of three Salt + Light employees who attended the recent Toronto performance and Canadian premiere of the oratorio Tu Es Petrus at Roy Thomson Hall.] Many of our regular viewers probably saw an advertisement on the network over the last couple of weeks for more
Folks in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia received some great news Thursday. Just a day after Pope Benedict XVI named 23 new men to the College of Cardinals, including Archbishop John Foley who Father Rosica recently interviewed for Witness, the Holy Father named two new Archbishops to Canada’s east coast region. Archbishop Martin William Currie has more
We at Salt + Light were delighted to welcome Raymond Arroyo to our studios today. Raymond, as many of you know, is the popular host of “The World Over” on EWTN. He’s also well known for his biography on EWTN foundress Mother Angelica, and more recently Mother Angelica’s Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday more
When I was a teenager, my parents would take me to a charismatic prayer group, where once in a while, there’d be laying on of hands where people fall to the ground and are ‘slain in the spirit’. I always thought this was a little bit strange, and I was doubtful about the strong faith more
This weekend on Salt + Light we have lots of live events for you. On Friday, at 3:30pm ET, you may have seen the dedication of the new church of the Most Holy Trinity in Fatima, presided over by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. This weekend marks, of course, marks the 90th anniversary celebrations of the apparitions more