BLOG: Advent%20and%20Christmas,Deacon-structing
There is a voice of illness inside each of us which cries out, "Where is God?" Deacon Pedro reflects on our search for meaning in our brokenness. more
Deacon Pedro explains how a proposed law - Bill C-7 - is attempting to reduce restrictions and safeguards on euthanasia in Canada. more
In our Catholic tradition, we have four feasts celebrating the dedication of churches in Rome. Deacon Pedro explains why. more
How often do you think about death? Purgatory? Hell? Deacon Pedro walks us through what the Church teaches about what happens after this life. more
How much do we know about what happened to the Twelve Apostles after the Resurrection? Deacon Pedro takes us through history and tradition. more
With the recent release of Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, Deacon Pedro gives us a refresher course on encyclicals and other types of papal documents. more
Deacon Pedro concludes his exploration of the topic of angels by taking a look at Satan and the fallen angels. more
Deacon Pedro continues deacon-structing angels with a look at St. Thomas Aquinas' hierarchy and the teachings in the Catechism. more
Deacon Pedro tells us all about archangels and guardian angels, who they are and how we know about them. more
Deacon Pedro begins his exploration of angels with a look at the many times they appear or are mentioned in the Bible. more