BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Holy See Press Office,Pope Francis
On this World Mission Day, Pope Francis calls us to go forth fearlessly, sharing the love of God with all. Read the full text his homily here. more
On October 13, 2019, Pope Francis celebrated the Mass for Canonization of five new saints in St. Peter's Square. Read the full text of his homily here. more
The 2019 Synod on the Pan-Amazon Region began today with the Opening Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily here. more
On Tuesday, October 1, Pope Francis presided at Vespers for the beginning of the Extraordinary Missionary Month. Read here the full text of his address. more
"It is not just about migrants." Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily in St. Peter's Square at Holy Mass for World Day of Migrants and Refugees. more
Read the full text of the address given by Pope Francis during his Meeting with the Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps of Mauritius. more
Read the full text of the homily given by Pope Francis during Mass at the monument to Mary, Queen of Peace in Port Louis, Mauritius, on Sept. 9, 2019. more
Full text of Pope Francis' Angelus from the Diocesan Grounds of Soamandrakizay, Antananarivo on Sunday, 8 September 2019: more
On Sunday, September 8, 2019 Pope Francis visited the Mahatzana Worksite in Antananarvo, Madagascar. Below is the full prepared text for his prayer to the workers: more
Pope In Madagascar: Homily of Pope Francis at Mass in Antananarivo more