BLOG: Apostolic%20Journeys,Saint%20Stories,Saints%20and%20Blesseds
A brief reflection on the eight martyrs of the UCA, the struggles many of them faced, and the history of El Salvador. “Dying for the truth and living with the truth”- Remembering The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador. more
A reflection on the meaning and impact of Christian martyrdom; currently taking place in the Middle East and in many other parts of the world. more
Read Kevin Clarke's reflection on the impact Oscar Romero had on El Salvador during its hardest years, as a very troubled nation. more
Read Deacon Pedro's reflection on the meaning of Martyrdom. more
A brief summary and reflection on the transformation of Archbishop Oscar Romero, as we await his canonization. more
Pope Francis’ Homily for the Final Mass of his Apostolic Visit: Jan. 21, Las Palmas Air Base, Lima, Peru: “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you” (Jon 3:2). With these words the Lord spoke to Jonah and directed him to set out towards that great more
Dear Brother Bishops, Thank you for the kind words addressed to me by the Cardinal Archbishop of Lima and the President of the Episcopal Conference in the name of all present. I have looked forward to being here with you. I recall with pleasure your visit ad limina last year. These days I have spent more
Dear young people, I am pleased to be here with you. These meetings are very important for me, especially in this year of preparation for the Synod on young people. Your faces, your questions and your lives are important for the Church and we need to give them the importance they deserve. We must also more
God our Father, through Jesus Christ you founded your Church on the rock of the Apostles, that, guided by the Holy Spirit she may be a sign and instrument of your love and mercy in the world: we thank you for the gifts you have bestowed upon our Church in Lima. that, guided by the more
Dear Sisters from different monasteries of contemplative life: How good it is to be here in this Shrine of the Lord of Miracles, visited so often by Peruvians, to ask his grace so that he will show us his closeness and mercy! He is “the light that guides, that illumines us with his divine love”. more