BLOG: Benedict XVI,Reflections,Saint Stories
God is a good parent who feeds his children in many ways. Most mysteriously of all, He gives us Himself to eat in the Eucharist. more
With the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus starkly illuminates for us the kind of Church He wants us to be. more
As we journey through these holy days, our role is simple: Watch Jesus. Watch him die. Watch him give His life for you, for me, for us. Then, see Him rise! more
Indigenous peoples are among the greatest gifts in Canada. Walking forward with them must be among our highest priorities as a Church and as a country. more
As Pope Francis consecrates Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we can wonder: Why? And what does this have to do with me? more
The eyes of the world are fixed on Ukraine, and our hearts turn to our fellow human beings. Terrible tragedies like this beg the question: Where is God? more
Charity starts at home. But so do conflict, division, and war. What can you and I do here and now to sow seeds of unity? more
In many ways, we could say that our society is “obsessed” with sex. But what is the true role and purpose of sex in our lives? more
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI asks forgiveness for his failings in regard to the sexual abuse crisis in the Church. Read the full text. more
When will COVID finally end? We are getting tired of the question! How about phrasing it differently: What kind of world do we want in the wake of COVID? more