BLOG: Benedict XVI,Reflections,Saints and Blesseds
All proceeds from the purchase of this book are to make possible Salt + Light‘s coverage of the World Youth Day in Panama 2019. Throughout Pope John Paul II’s papacy, youth has been a priority. When he was elected Pope in 1978, John Paul II said that young people are the future of the world more
On the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, at 9:30 am at St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis blessed the pallia (plural of pallium), taken from the Confession of the Apostle Peter and destined for Metropolitan Archbishops appointed during the past year. The pallium will then be imposed on each Metropolitan Archbishop by the Pontifical more
An interview with Fr. Gian Matteo Roggio On April 20, this year, a Consistory declared that two of the visionary little shepherds of Fatima, Francisco and his sister Jacinta Marto, would be proclaimed Saints on May 13, on the occasion of Pope Francis’s travel to Portugal, for the hundredth anniversary of the apparitions of Our more
A political prisoner of the Communist regime for thirteen years, nine of which he spent in solitary confinement, Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan’s experience is a powerful testimony of faith in the Eucharist and in the power of forgiveness and the redemptive value of the cross. Cardinal Van Thuan’s writings and spiritual insights written in more
  In March 2016, the Salt + Light team went to the Holy Land on pilgrimage to bring you reflections from the biblical places where Jesus lived. You can watch the entire videos from the Holy Land Trip here. The following text below is from my reflection about the empty tomb of Christ, that was more
A reflection for Palm Sunday There are two Gospel readings for this Sunday, Palm Sunday. The first is the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11). This Gospel is proclaimed as our palms are blessed, uniting us with the same crowds that cried “Hosanna” and praised Jesus as their king, “he who comes in more
A reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent The question is often raised, “If God is good, why is there evil in the world?” Sometimes this dilemma is even used as a proof that God does not exist – if God is all-good and all-powerful, shouldn’t He be able to prevent all evil from happening? more
A reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent It can be difficult to imagine what life would be like if we were born blind. How would we function? How would we perceive the world? But is physical blindness the only form of blindness? Is it the worst form of blindness? The Fourth Sunday of Lent more
Sometimes, because it’s Lent we may overlook some feasts or solemnities that fall during the season. It’s hard to ignore the Feast of St. Patrick, but how many really pay attention to the Solemnity of St. Joseph? more
A reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent What keeps us going through difficult times? What inspires our hope when the situation is bleak? What makes us persevere when it would be easier to give up? In the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent, we see Jesus ascend Mount Tabor with His three more