BLOG: Benedict XVI,Reflections,Saints and Blesseds
Pierluigi Molla, son of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, shares memories of his mother and the lessons Catholics can learn from her life. How are you going to spend the next five minutes of your time?  You could browse social media or check your email, but how about meeting a fascinating person and learning something relevant more
This week the Pope’s message for the World Day for Social Communication was released with some fanfare at the Vatican. The real fanfare, however, was going on inside the Apostolic Palace. Pope Francis met with Apple CEO Tim Cook. The meeting comes one week after the pope met with Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, more
Check the new Move WYD (Mów ?DM) video with Fr. Jonathan Kalisch O.P. Fr. Jonathan talks about how he found his vocation in Kraków, memories from previous WYD, the Knights of Columbus and their mission during WYD, St. John Paul II and the people who were healed thanks to St. Faustina. The interview was recorded more
Call it an early Christmas Gift, call it a message about the kind of mercy Pope Francis wants us to show to the world. Whatever you want to call, the end result is the same: Mother Teresa is going to be canonized. A second miracle attributed to her intercession has been approved by Pope Francis. The more
This morning the Vatican promoted the cause of American Hospitaller Brother William Gagnon, who died ministering in Vietnam during war: The heroic virtue of the Servant of God William Gagnon, professed Religious of the Hospitaller Order of St John; born in Dover, USA, 16 May 1905 and died in Hô Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), more
CUA students enjoy group discussion while they reflect on the lives of the saints. Earlier this year, I was in Washington D.C. to lead the Women’s Lenten Retreat for CUA’s Campus Ministry. The girls were amazing, I loved spending time with them. Their faith and their joy was inspiring. They were like the Church’s Light Brigade! more
While we celebrate Pope Francis’ historic visit to Uganda today, I thought I’d share with you this classic image of Pope John Paul II during his apostolic visit to Uganda in 1993. Wonderful, isn’t it? During the 26 and a half years of his pontificate, John Paul II was a pilgrim to 129 different countries more
As I begin writing this, one week has passed since the series of terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13. I currently live about 6 km from the scene of the worst of the bloodshed of November 13: the Bataclan concert hall where 89 of the 129 deaths occurred. At about 10:15 that evening, I more
Kerry Weber, author of “Mercy in the City,” reflects on the Scriptural roots of the corporal works of mercy. This video is part of a new series of reflections on Scripture from America and the American Bible Society. more
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis Mass of the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Canonization of Four Saints Sunday October 18, 2015 On Sunday, October 18, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated the Canonization Mass of four Saints: Saint Vincent Grossi, Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception and Saints Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin. Read the full text of his more