BLOG: Benedict XVI,Reflections,Saints and Blesseds
January 24th was the feast day of St. Francis de Sales – patron of journalists and communicators – and the occasion Pope Benedict chose to announce the Church’s message for World Communications Day 2012.  The message is an interesting one, highlighting the importance of silence as a crucial variable in effective and meaningful communication.  “In more
Benedict XVI celebrated Vespers on January 25 to mark both the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The liturgy, which was attended by representatives of various Christian denominations, took place at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls. The video of his homily is more
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has dedicated a new page on its website to the Church and Indigenous Peoples of Canada. This special project was launched to coincide with the feast day of Canada’s first woman saint, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys. In the Universal Church, St. Marguerite’s feast day is celebrated on Thursday, Jan. 11. more
Every year for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord the Holy Father takes part in a special tradition: he celebrates Mass in the Sistine Chapel with the Vatican workers who have had babies in the last year and baptizes the little ones. The tradition began with John Paul II in the first year more
Host Mary Rose Bacani discovers the heart-warming stories of pilgrims who travel to Saint Joseph’s Oratory from all over the world in search of peace, holiness and healing. She also visits the Cantins, a family from Southwestern Ontario that has one of the most impressive archives of Br. André in North America. more
Today we celebrate the feast of St. André Bessette, our first Canadian-born saint. We invite you to watch S+L’s documentary, God’s Doorkeeper: St. André of Montreal. Discover the miracle of St. André: a life devoted to prayer and generous service to the sick and needy. more
Above is Pope Benedict’s homily, as delivered at Mass on the Solemnity of the Epiphany. more
On the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe Pope Benedict XVI announced he will visit Mexico and Cuba in 2012.  Today the Mexican Bishops’ Conference and the Cuban Bishops’ conference each released a preliminary itinerary of the Holy Father’s visit to their nations. Pope Benedict will arrive in the Mexican city of  Leon on more
He was a strong supporter of the Nicene Creed – the profession of faith that is most commonly used when we come together to celebrate Mass. He is none other than St. Basil the Great. In the Universal Catholic Church, we celebrate his feast day today and  so do the Anglican and Lutheran Churches. We more
Pope Benedict XVI approved the miracles of seven people who are considered “blessed” by the Church. With the approval of these miracles the seven blesseds can now be canonized. Among them are four lay people, two North Americans and one Filipino youth. Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha was born in what is today Auriesville, New York and more