BLOG: Benedict XVI,Reflections,Saints and Blesseds
Pope Benedict presided over the Way of the Cross at Rome’s Colosseum today. The meditations this year were written by an Augustian nun, Sister Maria Rita Piccione, OSA. She’s the President of the Our Lady of Good Counsel Federation of Augustinian Monasteries in Italy. In the meditation on the fourth station, Jesus meets his Mother, more
During the Last Supper, Jesus pleaded four times for unity. Pope Benedict says that plea remains his constant prayer to the Father on our behalf. Unity, conversion and humility were themes from the Holy Father’s homily celebrated today at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. “How deeply it must have concerned him!” said the Holy more
While many dioceses in Canada celebrate their Chrism Mass at the beginning of Holy Week, in Rome the Mass which has the blessing of the holy oils is held the morning of Holy Thursday. During this morning’s Mass, the Holy Father offered a reflection on the significance of the three oils: “the oil for anointing more
In 1858, four Sisters of St. Ann traveled from Montreal to Canada’s West Coast aboard the SS Seabird with Victoria’s first Bishop, Modeste Demers (a relative of their current Bishop!).  They made the two-month voyage via a circuitous route through the Isthmus of Panama. Their goal was to aid the Bishop in his mission to more
To mark the beginning of Holy Week, Benedict XVI preached on the Lord’s ascent to Jerusalem, which was commemorated liturgically with the blessing of palm branches and the procession with them before Mass. In his homily, the Holy Father said that man seeks to follow Jesus “along the high road that leads to the living more
When Pope Benedict arrives in Madrid on August 18 one of the first things he will do is visit two of the most iconic places in the city…and, of course, meet with the more than one million young people who will be in town to see him. The Holy Father is expected to arrive at more
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI advanced the sainthood causes of 35 candidates, including Canadian Christian Brother Adolphe Chatillon. During a meeting April 2 with Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes, the pope signed a decree recognizing that Brother Chatillon lived the Christian virtues more
Pope Benedict has repeatedly urged the universal Church to encourage and support Christians in the Holy Land. One way to do this is financially through the collection traditionally taken up on Good Friday. A letter from the prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches Cardinal Leonardo Sandri was released Monday calling on the faithful to more
Pope Benedict released a flock of doves — a symbol of peace — as he consecrated the Roman parish of St. Corbinian this weekend. Likewise, he revealed that his prayers have been focused on a resolution to the escalating war in Libya. American and British forces launched airstrikes against Libya this weekend. The coalition mission, more
“Quid est veritas?” I will never forget that line, “What is truth?”, from the movie The Passion. I remember quoting it constantly among friends. We were fascinated by the line delivery by the actor who played Pilate. …And perhaps we were looking for the truth. I recalled all this recently when reading parts of Pope more