BLOG: Catholic Focus,Faith Education,
 By Leanna Cappiello New York (S+L) Welcome to the new year! Since surviving the sorrows and savoring the successes of 2012, everyone is asking the same question, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” The top 3 answers I get when I ask this question are: lose weight, cut spending, and get organized. I see the effects more
Near the end of last year I wrote about the attitude of openness and adaptation to the modern world which permeated the ecclesiology of John XXIII and Paul VI, and found concrete expression at Vatican II and in the creation of the permanent Synod of Bishops. (Read it here) From there we now jump forward more
Why does the Catholic Church have a vested interest in chaplaincy at airports? Simply put, providing pastoral care for people on the move is a special concern for the Catholic Church. It is summarized in the two greatest commandments, that being “love of God” and “love of neighbour”. More than that, Airport Ministry is a more
Why does the Catholic Church have a vested interest in chaplaincy at airports? Simply put, providing pastoral care for people on the move is a special concern for the Catholic Church. It is summarized in the two greatest commandments, that being “love of God” and “love of neighbour”. More than that, airport ministry is a more
Published below is a translation of the address that Pope Benedict gave yesterday inside the Paul VI Audience Hall. This week, he reflected on the final days of the Church’s celebration of Christmas. Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this Christmas season we focus once again on the great mystery of God who came down from more
This post was submitted by Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches.  A question that I often ask preachers and pastors is whether anyone in their congregations ever complains if the worship service goes longer than an hour and a half. At least, I ask Roman Catholic and Protestant preachers more
From December 17-23, I’d like to share with you these antiphons, that you will pray with them and they will help you continue to prepare for the Advent of our Lord. May they become part of your Advent tradition as they are becoming part of mine. For December 23, the antiphon is based on Isaiah more
On this month’s edition, Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto continues his series of reflections on the Year of Faith by looking at chapter six of John’s gospel and his message on Faith and the Bread of Life. Join us for our fourth installment of Lectio Divina at the following times: Sunday, December 9 9:00 pm more
On this season premiere of Nothing More Beautiful, Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton begins with a catechesis as he reflects on evangelizing the family. Witness speaker, Pierluigi Molla, talks about growing up with his mother, St. Gianna Beretta Molla (who beautifully enough, is Salt + Light’s patron saint). Join us for our season premiere of Nothing more
All Hallows Eve (or Halloween as most people refer to) is a beautiful time of year. With the celebration of Halloween comes an abundance of bright, scary costumes and a drastic change in weather (just look at Hurricane Sandy). But more than just the costumes and the weather comes a growing realization of how close more