BLOG: Catholic Focus,Faith Education,
When you think of Lent, what do you think of? Do you think of feasting or fasting? Do you think of partying or penance? How many of you, when you think of Lent, think of Baptism? Surely the Catechumens, those preparing for Baptism at Easter, who do their final preparations during Lent are thinking of more
Today, we had the great pleasure of welcoming the Niagara Catholic Chaplaincy leaders to our office and studios for a professional development and workshop day. We started the day with morning prayer and a short history of Salt + Light by Fr. Thomas Rosica. We then headed into our morning sessions led by Deacon Pedro more
The quest for the unity of all Christians depends above all on God’s grace. Peace, reconciliation, mutual understanding and forgiveness, communion in faith and love–are all gifts from the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit. There is also the question of overcoming the theological controversies that divided the Churches in the first place. more
He coined the phrases “global village” and “the medium is the message” and he predicted the internet in 1962. He is called the greatest media theorist of our age, he is definitely one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Join Deacon Pedro and his guest, Simon Rogers, the archivist of Special Collections at more
A few weeks ago, I went to a mass of celebration for Sr. Corazon Beboso, FMA's 40th Anniversary of Religious Profession (Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco). Sr. Cora is one of my super learning models. Her youthful and energetic heart is always a booster drink for my soul. “Yes Lord, Yes Lord. Yes Yes Lord… Amen, Amen” is her favorite song. I would guess she has sang this song at every single event I have attended. And, we celebrated her “YES” to the Lord for 40 years. more
“I echo the desire of many in expressing my hope that the objectives outlined by the Paris Agreement do not remain simply as good words, but rather that they are transformed into courageous decisions!“ Pope Francis, Message for World Food Day, Oct. 14, 2016 Small family farmers are at the heart of ecological justice.  That’s the message Development more
CNS photo/Art Babych Euthanasia comes to Canada  “There are two ways, the way to life and the way to death, and there is a great difference between them.” These wise words from an ancient Christian writer come to mind as we mark Parliament’s enactment of the law implementing the Supreme Court’s decision on euthanasia and assisted suicide, which more
That’s the title of a new film that just opened last weekend to mixed reviews. It stars Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin in a romance with a bit of a twist. Clarke plays Louisa “Lou” Clark, who takes a job as the caregiver to Will Traynor (Claflin), a former daredevil who is now a quadriplegic more
Lisa Daniels lives with extreme, debilitating, chronic pain. She suffers greatly. Her suffering is irremediable. There is no cure. Many people who support the idea of medically assisted dying do so on the basis that some people, like Lisa, live with unbearable, intolerable pain. Can all pain be managed? How are we to respond to more
(CNS photo/Philippe Vaillancourt, Presence) An open letter from Cardinal Lacroix… On June 6th, the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision concerning “medical assistance in dying” will take effect with or without a federal law to control it. The adoption of bill C-14 or the Carter decision’s coming into effect will certainly give place to appeals within the court more