BLOG: Faith Education,Synods,World Youth Day
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While some people want to “reform” the Catholic Church and others want “to put the brakes on the synod process,” those involved in preparing the continental phase of the synod process want “to mend” the church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the pope, said Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of more
Two recent bits of news have come out recently from the Synod General Secretariat. In Part One, I explored some implications of the announcement to extend the timeline of the synod process to 2024. In Part Two, I reflect on the newly-released Working Document for the Continental Stage. On October 27, 2022 the Synod Secretariat more
Two main bits of news came out from the Synod on Synodality the last few weeks. First, the General Secretariat announced that Pope Francis has extended the formal synodal process by an extra year, adding a second session to the Ordinary Synod of Bishops in October, 2024. This will follow on from the first session, more
An ecumenical panel on synodality | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
March 1, 2022
Exploring different approaches to synodality in Christian churches reveals one of the many valuable ways we can learn from one another through dialogue. more
Are war and violence an inescapable part of human nature? Benjamin Boivin explains what the Catholic Church teaches us about the nature of war. more
Listening with the heart | One Body
Julien Hammond
November 30, 2021
How good are we at listening with our hearts? Do we hear how God may be speaking to us through people outside our own church and beyond? more
How do we walk together? Julian Paparella offers suggestions of how we can use this synod as an opportunity to reach out beyond our Church. more
What impact can the Church’s movement towards synodality under the leadership of Pope Francis have on ecumenical dialogue with the Orthodox Church? more
This October, the entire Church is embarking on an unprecedented journey of renewal, starting at the grassroots level. And it needs you! more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily during the opening Mass for the synod on synodality. more