BLOG: Jubilee of Mercy,Lent and Easter,Pope Francis
When the world around us shouts that success is to be rich, famous, powerful, and well-liked, how do we cope with our flaws and our failures? more
Happy Anniversary, Pope Francis! In honour of the 6th anniversary of his election, here are some favourite photos from the past year. more
One day a couple with a strong biblical background were chatting about who should brew the coffee in the morning. more
Herein lies the great spiritual challenge of Lent: how do we be honest with ourselves about ourselves? Read this Lenten reflection from Sebastian Gomes. more
Lent is a great opportunity to take stock of our spiritual and emotional lives. Here are some of my favourite resources that help with that process. more
On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome,  thus marking the beginning of Lent. Below is the Full Text of his Homily: more
Once upon a time, a fox fell in love with a dog. They promised to love, protect, and die for one another. One day, unfortunately, they both were caught by a hunter. more
Join Salt+Light in praying with the Holy Father for his March 2019 Prayer Intentions: Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities. more
Read this Lenten message from Pope Francis on the theme: “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rom 8:19). more
Pope Francis sends a video message to participants of the World Government Summit in Dubai, encouraging them to work for the common good. more