BLOG: Lent 2017,Lent and Easter,Reflections
As I stood in Maskwacis, Alberta, witnessing Pope Francis arrive to deliver his much-awaited apology to the Indigenous peoples of Canada on their lands, I was cut to the heart. Two things struck me simultaneously. First, the suffering, pain, and intergenerational trauma that has wreaked havoc on Indigenous communities and families. Second, the humility, courage, more
Each of us is called to join Pope Francis in the pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation between the Indigenous Peoples in Canada and the Catholic Church. more
School’s out and summer is here! It's a good time to ask: What are God’s plans for this summer? How does He want you to grow and flourish? more
God is a good parent who feeds his children in many ways. Most mysteriously of all, He gives us Himself to eat in the Eucharist. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for Pentecost Sunday, given in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on June 5, 2022. more
The fire of God’s love | Word Alive
Steve Lawrence
June 3, 2022
This Pentecost, Steve Lawrence reflects on the fire we call the Holy Spirit and how we are called to open our hearts and be consumed by that fire. more
With the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus starkly illuminates for us the kind of Church He wants us to be. more
Somewhere beyond the clouds | Word Alive
Carissa Douglas
May 27, 2022
On the feast of the Ascension, Carissa Douglas reflects that we are called both to look forward to heaven and to be Christ’s presence at work in the world. more
Bearing the light of the Lamb | Word Alive
Deacon Eric Gurash
May 20, 2022
As we approach the end of the Easter season, it is a perfect time for us to reflect on where and how we are called to bear our Easter light. more
This Sunday's readings show us that discouragement is not an obstacle to faith but an opportunity to pause and seek council from others and from God. more