BLOG: Life and Family,Saints and Blesseds
Read 'My Personal Journey Through Lent', A Lenten Reflection written by Rosina Di Felice on her personal experiences and goals for this Lenten Season. more
Christmas urges us to reflect on the Mystery of the Incarnation. In a short video series, Fr. Eric Nicolai, an Opus Dei priest and art expert, helps us reflect on this mystery through religious art from the early Christians to roughly around the 18th century. Despite all the changes in the artistic depictions of the more
Click here to watch the full mass On Saturday, November 18, 2017, at the Ford Field Stadium in Detroit, Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, beatified Fr. Solanus Casey, OFM, Cap., making him the second American-born male to be beatified. Below is the homily delivered by Cardinal Amato during the more
Pope Francis just did something that few Popes have ever done. He wants to update the Church's teaching on the death penalty. Is this a development of doctrine? more
The last two weeks we’ve been looking at love (part 1 and part 2). Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love neighbour (Matthew 22:36-40). He also said we have to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Last week we looked at seven qualities of love. Today let’s begin by more
Message to the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus To the Reverend Mother Sister Barbara Louise Staley, General Superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The centennial of the death of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini is one of the main events marking the journey of the Church both because of more
A reflection for the Feast of Saint Joseph Calasanz On August 25th the Church celebrates the feast of a man whose care for children has made him their patron saint. Saint Joseph Calasanz was born into a noble Spanish family in 1557. At the age of fourteen he decided to become a priest, but his more
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” – Psalm 133:1 What is the key of life of the Piarist Fathers? How do we live as a community? The Piarist Fathers are dedicated to the education of children and youth, especially the poor, and the Holy Founder of the Pious Schools, more
All proceeds from the purchase of this book are to make possible Salt + Light‘s coverage of the World Youth Day in Panama 2019. Throughout Pope John Paul II’s papacy, youth has been a priority. When he was elected Pope in 1978, John Paul II said that young people are the future of the world more
On the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, at 9:30 am at St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis blessed the pallia (plural of pallium), taken from the Confession of the Apostle Peter and destined for Metropolitan Archbishops appointed during the past year. The pallium will then be imposed on each Metropolitan Archbishop by the Pontifical more