BLOG: Liturgical,Reflections
I don’t want to overstep, but I highly doubt you were immaculately conceived. I know I wasn’t. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t try to be prepared like Mary was. more
What does Advent have to do with the Three Little Pigs? Read this blog to find out! more
On Thursday, June 28, 2018, Fr. Rob Galea concelebrated Mass at S+L. He offered this beautiful homily on the importance of falling in love with God. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily during the consistory for the creation of new cardinals on Thursday, June 28, 2018. more
On June 28th, Pope Francis will hold a consistory for the creation of new cardinals. Watch the event here LIVE on Thursday, June 28, 2018, at 9:55 am ET. more
Read a homily for the memorial of the immaculate heart of Mary by Fr. Kevin Kirley, CSB: "Mary was no stranger to the real world of suffering." more
A Reflection on the importance of self care, especially the do's and don't on taking care of yourself in first year university. more
Read this reflection on the role of St. Joseph. Nowhere in the Gospels do we ever hear anything Joseph says... but he is a man of action. more
Learn more about Cardinal Wuerl's talk with College Students at The Catholic University of America, where he reflects on the Challenges of Racism in Society today. April 18. 2018. more
Read Sebastian Gomes' reflection on Pope Francis. What are his greatest accomplishments? What opportunities have been missed? more