BLOG: Perspectives Daily,Pope Francis,Reflections
A reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent The question is often raised, “If God is good, why is there evil in the world?” Sometimes this dilemma is even used as a proof that God does not exist – if God is all-good and all-powerful, shouldn’t He be able to prevent all evil from happening? more
Like most other people, I had no idea who Archbishop Bergoglio was. When he stepped out on the balcony to make himself known to the world as Pope Francis, there was scant little I could’ve told anyone about him. It was as if he was a man without a past. An air of mystery surrounded more
This afternoon, Pope Francis received the 27 European Union heads of State and Government at a private audience in the Vatican’s Sala Regia. The encounter takes place on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome. The Treaties are considered to be the foundation acts of the European Community. more
(S+L Photo: Bishop Ricardo Ramírez, CSB, presents his book “Power from the Margins: the Emergence of the Latino in the Church and in Society” on the set of Subject Matters at Ben McNally Books in Toronto, ON) The timing of Bishop Ricardo Ramírez’s book “Power from the Margins” couldn’t be more appropriate. As debates rage about more
A statement released from the Holy See Press Office after the meeting said Pope Francis asked God's forgiveness for the failures of the Catholic Church during the 1994 Rwanda genocide and for the hatred and violence perpetrated by some priests and religious. more
A reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent It can be difficult to imagine what life would be like if we were born blind. How would we function? How would we perceive the world? But is physical blindness the only form of blindness? Is it the worst form of blindness? The Fourth Sunday of Lent more
Pope Francis today released his 2017 Lenten Message for World Youth Day, in anticipation for World Youth Day Panama 2019. Below, find the full text of his address: more
Sometimes, because it’s Lent we may overlook some feasts or solemnities that fall during the season. It’s hard to ignore the Feast of St. Patrick, but how many really pay attention to the Solemnity of St. Joseph? more
Last Monday, Pope Francis celebrated four years since his election as pontiff. During this week, the Holy Father received many messages and witnesses for this anniversary, words of profound admiration and encouragement to continue on this path, his ministry. Speaking to Vatican Radio, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin said: “I believe that Amoris Laetitia has more
If I were to sum up all the little fragments that I collected to form the image of Pope Francis in my mind, all that resonates with me, it could be summed up in this one sentence: “Your life is a prayer.” more