BLOG: Perspectives Weekly,Twitter,Year of Mercy
All parents want the best for their children.  When it comes time to start thinking about their education you always look for the best choice for their future. Should homeschooling be one of those options? There are people who say kids need to socialize, thus home schooling is not the best choice for introducing them more
The rosary is a powerful prayer, and once you start praying you realize the effects it has on your life. But what is the rosary? It is necessary for us Catholics pray it? So the rosary is a form of prayer, and to understand it and to know more about it, Pedro invited Fr. James Phalan more
Could you forgive someone who killed your child? I suspect most of you would say yes, you would at least try, if only because the alternative would be a lifetime of anger. But would you ever be able to accept that this murderer could avoid punishment, so long as he confessed to his crime? And more
If you have not yet watched the S+L documentary Abraham’s Tent, this episode will serve to whet your appetite. Fr. Samuel Barhoum, director of the Kids 4 Peace program in Galilee (which is featured in the documentary) has the conviction that to foster peace we must seek to know one another. He believes that by nourishing more
For the last couple of weeks we’ve been speaking about our newest documentary, Abraham’s Tent, which features the Kids 4 Peace Program. This wonderful initiative brings Jewish, Muslim and Christian youth from Israel over to an outdoor camp in Canada, where they spend two weeks with a multi-faith group of Canadian youth. It is a more
Slavery could seem like something from the past, but taking a good look at the reality of the world today we find that there are 27 million slaves. That is more than in any other period in human history. What can we do to fight against this? How can we pressure governments to look to more
Slavery could seem like something from the past, but taking a good look at the reality of the world today we find that there are 27 million slaves. That is more than in any other period in human history. The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights says: “No one shall be held in slavery or more
As Catholics we all know we have an obligation to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but does anyone stop to think what this means? Does it make sense nowadays to give up meat? Lent is a period when the Catholic Church reflects on the mystery of Christ. As He went in to more
Are you in a spiritual rut? Is your prayer life mundane, habitual? Are you praying just because the Church asks you to? Are you really living your faith? How do you inject your spiritual life with new life? On this episode of Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro asks Ralph Martin, President of Renewal Ministries, how more
“Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a despot whose shooting and shelling of his own people cannot be defended,” wrote the Catholic Register in a recent editorial, “yet he may be the last line of defence for Syria’s Catholics.” The editorial captures the paradox of a country where, despite a UN-estimated death toll of 7500 civilians, more