BLOG: Prayer,Reflections,Videos
Slavery could seem like something from the past, but taking a good look at the reality of the world today we find that there are 27 million slaves. That is more than in any other period in human history. What can we do to fight against this? How can we pressure governments to look to more
Slavery could seem like something from the past, but taking a good look at the reality of the world today we find that there are 27 million slaves. That is more than in any other period in human history. The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights says: “No one shall be held in slavery or more
Throughout the course of his public ministry, Jesus knew both the adoration and desertion of the crowds. Today, just like 2,000 years ago, the Gospel asks a question that demands an answer: Will we follow? This moving video illustrates this truth through the dynamic lens of a 21st-century social network. more
Today marks the 7th anniversary of Blessed John Paul II’s death. This video, “Thank You John Paul II”, is a Salt + Light Television production that pays tribute to a man who touched the hearts of millions of people. We know that Blessed John Paul II will forever be remembered for his courageous bridge-building efforts more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Benedict XVI. For April 2012, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Vocations. That many young people may hear the call of Christ and follow him in the priesthood and religious life. Christ, Hope for Africans. That the risen Christ may be more
As Catholics we all know we have an obligation to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but does anyone stop to think what this means? Does it make sense nowadays to give up meat? Lent is a period when the Catholic Church reflects on the mystery of Christ. As He went in to more
This evening, Pope Benedict XVI said farewell to Cuba at José Martí International Airport, Havana, Cuba as he concluded his 6 day apostolic visit to Mexico and Cuba. Find the full text of the Holy Father’s farewell address below. I thank God for allowing me to visit this beautiful Isle which left so deep a mark more
Today Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Holy Mass at “Plaza de la Revolución” in Havana, Cuba to commemorate the Jubilee Year devoted to Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre. Please find the full text of his homily below. Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Blessed are you, Lord God…, and blessed is your holy and glorious name” more
14 years after Bl. John Paul II’s trip to Cuba, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated mass tonight on Cuban soil to commemorate the 400 year anniversary of the discovery of the image of the “Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre”. Below find a clip of the Holy Father’s homily. Please find the full text of his more
On a recent episode of Catholic Focus, we tackled the issue of prostitution and the ongoing legal challenge to Ontario’s laws related to the sex trade. Today, a Court of Appeal reaffirmed parts of Justice Susan Himel’s controversial 2010 ruling that struck down three of those laws. In summary, the court agreed with Justice Himel more