BLOG: Prayer,Year of Faith
If ever there was a Catholic Cathedral you wanted to visit, the city of Los Angeles, in the state of California, has exactly what you’re looking for. Standing in the midst of downtown Los Angeles, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels serves the entire Archdiocese that has close to five million Catholics. As more
A few weeks ago, during a homily, I suggested that we should take the opportunity of this Year of Faith to do what the Holy Father has proposed: That we learn about our Faith; that we live our Faith and that we share our Faith. Soon after, I thought, ‘why don’t we make this a more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Benedict XVI. For February 2013, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Migrant Families. That migrant families, especially the mothers, may be supported and accompanied in their difficulties. Peace. That the peoples at war and in conflict may lead the way in more
As the week began with news of the 37 foreigners killed during the Algerian gas-plant hostage-taking, I began thinking about what else is happening around the world: Toronto: Court watches video of the death of Ashley Smith. Ashley killed herself in her prison cell while guards looked on from the outside. They say they were more
Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pontifical Council for Social Communications 47th World Communications Day Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization Dear Brothers and Sisters, As the 2013 World Communications Day draws near, I would like to offer you some reflections on an increasingly important reality regarding the way in more
Why does the Catholic Church have a vested interest in chaplaincy at airports? Simply put, providing pastoral care for people on the move is a special concern for the Catholic Church. It is summarized in the two greatest commandments, that being “love of God” and “love of neighbour”. More than that, Airport Ministry is a more
Published below is a translation of the address that Pope Benedict gave yesterday inside the Paul VI Audience Hall. This week, he reflected on the final days of the Church’s celebration of Christmas. Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this Christmas season we focus once again on the great mystery of God who came down from more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Benedict XVI. For January 2013, we join the Holy Father in praying for: The Faith of Christians. That in this Year of Faith Christians may deepen their knowledge of the mystery of Christ and witness joyfully to the gift of faith in him. more
CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters CNS description: Pope Benedict XVI speaks to astronauts on the International Space Station from the Vatican via a video link May 21, 2011. more
From December 17-23, I’d like to share with you these antiphons, that you will pray with them and they will help you continue to prepare for the Advent of our Lord. May they become part of your Advent tradition as they are becoming part of mine. For December 23, the antiphon is based on Isaiah more