BLOG: 〈uage=
A group of Israeli youth consisting of Muslims, Jews and Christians spend two weeks at a multifaith camp with a group of young Canadians. Sharing their beliefs, stories and struggles through play and prayer, the young people gain a deeper appreciation of the beauty and meaning of each others’ faiths and cultures as the seeds more
Why is the practice of religion such a universal phenomenon throughout the history of cultures? Do religions still have a role to play in the secularized countries of the 21st century? Are religions currently evolving in pluralistic societies? An exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, entitled God(s): a User’s Guide, provides the inspiration for more
This week is a big week for Pope Benedict XVI. On Monday he turns 85 years old. Then on Thursday he marks seven years as pope. Join us this Sunday, April 15 for a special look at his papacy: his travels, his teachings, and the bridges he has sought to build. Seven Years with Pope more
Find out more about this amazing camp experience by watching our newest documentary Abraham’s Tent. You’ll meet Tofiq, a young Christian Arab; Tomer, a Jew from Nazareth; and Bihan, a young Muslim from the Galilee. They travel to Canada and meet Danya, a Jew from Thornhill; Tamara, a Jordanian Christian who now lives in Oakville; more
Slavery could seem like something from the past, but taking a good look at the reality of the world today we find that there are 27 million slaves. That is more than in any other period in human history. What can we do to fight against this? How can we pressure governments to look to more
A trip to Israel is more than a vacation. It’s a tour through biblical history, as well as an inner journey to meet Jesus. The people and places of the Holy Land testify to Him as a living Gospel account. On Catholic Focus, we take a pilgrimage to Israel. There, we go behind the scenes more
Slavery could seem like something from the past, but taking a good look at the reality of the world today we find that there are 27 million slaves. That is more than in any other period in human history. The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights says: “No one shall be held in slavery or more
Why is religious practice found in almost every culture throughout history? Can religions continue to occupy a place in the secular, Western societies of the 21st century? Do religions need to evolve as globalization brings different cultures closer together? As Western societies become more and more secular in outlook, these questions have gained increasing currency. more
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York gave this meditation about Divine Mercy at a recent conference in the Bronx, New York.  As is the case when Cardinal Dolan is on scene, there was gratuitous applause and laughter…and a thought provoking story. more
There was more to celebrate this past weekend than just the Resurrection of our Lord! As reported on Perspectives yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI has given his approval for Fr. Felix Varela to be given the status of “venerable,” following a unanimous recommendation from the Vatican’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes. This means that Varela is now more