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A joyful and holy Christmas to all!

Salt + Light Media

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The coming of the Lord can have no objective other than to teach us to see and love events, the world, and everything that surrounds us with the very eyes of God. The Word-become-a-child helps us to understand God's way of acting, so that we will be capable of allowing ourselves to be transformed increasingly by his goodness and his infinite mercy.
In the night of the world, we must let ourselves be amazed and illumined by this act of God, which is totally unexpected: God becomes a Child. We must let ourselves be amazed, illumined by the Star that inundated the universe with joy.
- Pope Benedict XVI's General Audience, December 22nd 2010
From all of us at Salt + Light Television, may the Christ Child be born anew in your hearts this Christmas season.
Have a holy Christmas, filled with the wonder and awe that our Holy Father speaks of.
May the greatest gift you receive be a deeper understanding of God's love for you, and may all of us be moved to love each other with that same love.
CNS photo/Philipp Bernard, Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource: Mary, Joseph and a choir of angels adore the infant Jesus in the painting "Nativity" by Philippe de Champaigne.

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