The staff of Salt + Light Media come from 14 different countries. This summer, for Canada's 150th anniversary, we are reflecting on what makes Canada so special to each of us. Here Billy Chan, Webmaster, reflects on the history of the Chinese Canadian Catholic Church.Canada 150, Montreal 375, Quebec City 409... These are dates for us to remember our roots, celebrate our successes and give thanks to our ancestors. My mother always reminds me on my birthday that she suffered for more than ten hours when she gave birth to me. Those ten hours were probably the most memorable moments in her life. Voilà, I came into this world. Recently, the word Pro-Life seem to be appearing more and more on the news. People often relate it to abortion, euthanasia or birth control. Actually, for Catholics, all the topics that can be linked to the protection of life should be a Pro-Life issue. For example, traffic regulations were created because we wanted to guard life; therefore, it is also a Pro-Life topic. I definitely feel that God created Canada, Montreal, Quebec City, my parents, Salt and Light TV, and all the things around me because He loves me; of course, not only me but all lives, because He is Pro-Life!
The Office for Interreligious Dialogue and the Dominican Friars of Toronto invite students in grades 9-12 to participate in the 2025 Youth Interfaith Video Contest.
For the Jubilee of Hope, there are designated local pilgrimage sites in every country, and Canada is no exception. How is a local pilgrimage site determined? The local bishop can designate any parish, shrine, or basilica in his territory as a Jubilee Year pilgrimage site.
Fashion and clothing designed to draw people closer to God can inspire and even sanctify others. Nate Nagello, the CEO and owner of the Toronto-based Sanctified Collective, hopes the clothing he creates can provide opportunities for conversation, engagement, and evangelization.
We at Salt + Light Media are saddened to hear that Bishop Frederick Henry has recently died. We pray for the repose of his soul, for the Catholic community in Calgary and southern Alberta, and all who mourn.
The Rosary is powerful: many graces can be bestowed upon those who pray it, and it can also offer special protection. Reciting the Rosary aloud in church and praying for the pope’s intentions can grant the supplicant a plenary indulgence.