Jesus was walking down the street one day, when he heard a blind man cry out his name. So Jesus came out from the crowd and he asked the man, “Why do you shout so loud?” And the blind man said, “Oh Lord, I want to see” and Jesus touched his eyes and set him free. And today, a leper came to him begging on one knee. He says, “I know, if you want, you can make me clean.” “I do want” Jesus said to the man. And with pity, he touched his hand. And all at once, the leprosy was gone and he went away praising God and telling everyone.All those around would have been asking themselves, “Who is this man?” Who are you Jesus? Who are you? To bring good news to the poor and to set prisoners free; to comfort the afflicted and to help the blind man see?
Once he was teaching in the synagogue when a man shouted, “you are the son of God! Have you come here to have us destroyed?” “Be silent. Leave him,” Jesus said in a loud voice. And immediately the demon left the man and all were amazed even demons obeyed his commands. Who are you Jesus? Who are you? To bring good news to the poor and to set prisoners free; to comfort the afflicted and to help the blind man see? Oh Lord, would you do the same for me? I need to be free from my needs. I need to be free from my pain. Oh Lord, I need my emptiness filled. I need to live again. Who are you Jesus? Who are you? To bring good news to the poor and to set prisoners free; to comfort the afflicted and to help the blind man see? Oh Lord, would you do the same for me?Today Jesus wants to heal you. Jesus wants to set you free. Will you let him? This Valentine’s Day, Jesus wants to fill you with His Love. This Ash Wednesday, Jesus wants to touch you with his mercy. Next weekend, Family Day weekend, Jesus wants to restore you to his family; Jesus wants to bring you back into Communion. Will you let him? Today when we hear in the news is about consent and sex education, and when the issue of assisted death is at the forefront; when the government is saying that religious groups have no rights because they have certain beliefs; when we are afraid of refugees – when human beings are saying “I want to do what I want.” And we think that having control over our own bodies is freedom. This Carnival weekend, when many are giving away to “freedom” and excesses; today, Jesus wants to set you free.
For the Jubilee of Hope, there are designated local pilgrimage sites in every country, and Canada is no exception. How is a local pilgrimage site determined? The local bishop can designate any parish, shrine, or basilica in his territory as a Jubilee Year pilgrimage site.
Fashion and clothing designed to draw people closer to God can inspire and even sanctify others. Nate Nagello, the CEO and owner of the Toronto-based Sanctified Collective, hopes the clothing he creates can provide opportunities for conversation, engagement, and evangelization.
The Rosary is powerful: many graces can be bestowed upon those who pray it, and it can also offer special protection. Reciting the Rosary aloud in church and praying for the pope’s intentions can grant the supplicant a plenary indulgence.
What is the difference between heresy and simple disagreement? Looking at some of the main heresies throughout history might light the way forward.
This month on Behold, we have a special Lives Lived for Life episode featuring the stories of various pro-life advocates and individuals.