“Marriage is a union between one man and one woman.”My response: Yes it is. But why? Are those the only ingredients necessary for Marriage? What if the one man and one woman are siblings? What is a union? I think we need to go deeper. I also received the following comment from Monica B:
My response:Many thanks to do this reflection on marriage. I am myself exploring the subject on many aspects as I am separated after 14 years of marriage. To forgive myself for this marriage I had to come to an understanding that this failure took root way before the marriage, in a lack of understanding of an universal law that we sometimes put aside to favor some exterior aspect of our lives: economic, social, political, etc.. In my case, I don't make decisions based on the heart, mostly the mind.If we fail to understand the sacrament of marriage is that we are blinded by the illusions of the material aspect of life on earth. We are first a light being in a physical body and there is no effort put in to understand how this 'soul' is constructed, how it works within the body. Should be taught at school.
The Office for Interreligious Dialogue and the Dominican Friars of Toronto invite students in grades 9-12 to participate in the 2025 Youth Interfaith Video Contest.
In this month of March, Pope Francis invites us to pray for families who find themselves in crisis: That broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
We join the Holy Father in praying that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts, even in their differences.
For the Jubilee of Hope, there are designated local pilgrimage sites in every country, and Canada is no exception. How is a local pilgrimage site determined? The local bishop can designate any parish, shrine, or basilica in his territory as a Jubilee Year pilgrimage site.
Fashion and clothing designed to draw people closer to God can inspire and even sanctify others. Nate Nagello, the CEO and owner of the Toronto-based Sanctified Collective, hopes the clothing he creates can provide opportunities for conversation, engagement, and evangelization.