[singlepic id=37 w=240 float=right]But, the Holy Father isn’t the first Bishop to tweet.
And one who is busy in the Twitter universe is the Archdiocese of Quebec’s Archbishop Gérald Cyprien Lacroix. (follow him
Archbishop Lacroix of course was one of the 40 something Metropolitan Archbishops to receive the pallium from Pope Benedict on this week's Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.
The Archbishop took to Twitter offering reaction to Wednesday’s experience.
He called the day “wonderful,” “touching, intense,” and "indescribable”.
Commenting on the Holy Father’s 60th anniversary of ordination to priesthood which coincided with the Pallium Mass, Archbishop Lacroix said he was “deeply touched and pleased to have received the pallium from the hands of the Holy Father” on such a special day.
He expressed his desire to live the mission entrusted to him “in full communion with [the Pope] and in a spirit of service to [his] brothers and sisters in Quebec.”
He also noted that during the imposition of the pallium he carried with him “all the prayers and hopes of the diocese and of Quebec”
Archbishop Lacroix has also asked the Pope for a special blessing for Quebec City and the entire diocese.
The request came today, when the Metropolitan Archbishops and their family and friends met with the Holy Father at Paul VI hall.
Archbishop Lacroix also forwarded a request for prayers and a blessing for Quebec’s Premier, Jean Charest. The Pope agreed to the request and noted the importance of praying for our government and leaders.
Addressing the entire gathered assembly, the Holy Father described the pallium as “a sign of communion in faith and love and in the governance of God's People.” He noted that it reminds “Pastors [of] their responsibilities as shepherds after the Heart of Jesus.”
And he encouraged the Archbishops to “prefer absolutely nothing before Christ.”
CNS photo/Paul Haring