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Audrey Assad: A Songstress for the Soul

Jenna Murphy

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the course of compiling the daily Catholic newswires on Friday, I stumbled upon a most welcome treasure on the CNN religion blog of all places. The treasure? A new friend in the world of Catholic music.AudreyAssadInterviewInterior
Audrey Assad.
With her first album scheduled for release this week (it’s already available on iTunes, though), Audrey is a refreshing voice in the world of Catholic music. A recent convert to the faith, her lyrics are honest and vulnerable and perhaps best of all, they are unabashedly Catholic, in the true sense. Her lyrics speak of pain and redemption; along with the beauty and the wisdom of real love -- Love and Responsibility style.
Audrey told
I did and do take solace in the Church, as a sparrow makes a nest in an old, solid oak; the Church's very age and wisdom speak quietly for themselves, silently drawing in wanderers like me. Jesus loves wanderers and prodigals; and the Church must welcome them with open arms--in my case, she did, and warmly at that. I find it beautiful about Catholicism that worship, in her way, is not so much an experience as it is an act of the will; yes, the senses are engaged by the sweet, thick smell of incense at the altar, the soft flickering of candles, the otherworldly melodies of chant; but ultimately, as a Catholic, I go to Mass to worship--to give Jesus the honor and glory He is worthy of; I go to Mass because I love Him.
The House You’re Building was produced by Marshall Altman (producer for Marc Broussard, Natasha Bedingfield, Bethany Dillon, and Brooke Fraser) and it features collaborations with Sarah Hart and Canadian-Catholic performer Matt Maher among others. Audrey’s sound is reminiscent of Brooke Fraser meets Sara Groves and decidedly, Sara Bareilles. In her interview with CNN, Audrey says that she wishes more women would put their artistic talents to work in the world of Catholic music:
Women express their thoughts, particularly about faith and relationships, differently than men,” she said, adding that she has conservative views about the roles of men and women in the church and home. “I love men; I want them to be empowered to be leaders … but I also think that it’s a shame that there aren’t more women doing artistic, creative things in the music industry.
To learn more about Audrey and her music, visit her on myspace. There you can take a listen to her first single "For Love of You":
For love of you
I’m a sky on fire
And because of you I come alive
It is your Sacred Heart within me beating,
Your voice within me singing out;
For love of You.
You are the highway I travel,
Because I watch you carve streets of gold from all the sin and gravel;
I gave you brokenness
You gave me innocence
And now this road leads to glory.
In the course of compiling the daily Catholic newswires on Friday, I stumbled upon a most welcome treasure on the CNN religion blog (link: of all places. The treasure? A new friend in the world of Catholic music.
Audrey Assad.
With her first album scheduled for release this week (it’s already available on iTunes, though), Audrey is a refreshing voice in the world of Catholic music. A recent convert to the faith, her lyrics are honest and vulnerable and perhaps best of all, they are unabashedly Catholic, in the true sense. Her lyrics speak of pain and redemption; along with the beauty and the wisdom of real love- Love and Responsibility style.
“I did and do take solace in the Church, as a sparrow makes a nest in an old, solid oak; the Church's very age and wisdom speak quietly for themselves, silently drawing in wanderers like me. Jesus loves wanderers and prodigals; and the Church must welcome them with open arms--in my case, she did, and warmly at that.” Audrey told (, “I find it beautiful about Catholicism that worship, in her way, is not so much an experience as it is an act of the will; yes, the senses are engaged by the sweet, thick smell of incense at the altar, the soft flickering of candles, the otherworldly melodies of chant; but ultimately, as a Catholic, I go to Mass to worship--to give Jesus the honor and glory He is worthy of; I go to Mass because I love Him.”
For love of you
I’m a sky on fire
And because of you I come alive
It is your Sacred Heart within me beating,
Your voice within me singing out;
For love of You.
You are the highway I travel,
Because I watch you carve streets of gold from all the sin and gravel;
I gave you brokenness
You gave me innocence
And now this road leads to glory.
-lyrics from “For Love of You”
“The House You’re Building” features collaborations with Christian artist Chris Tomlin and Catholic performer, Matt Maher. Audrey’s sound is reminiscent of Brooke Fraser meets Sara Groves and decidedly, Sara Bareilles. In her interview with CNN, Audrey says that she wishes more women would put their artistic talents to work in the world of Catholic music.
From the CNN interview:
“Women express their thoughts, particularly about faith and relationships, differently than men,” she said, adding that she has conservative views about the roles of men and women in the church and home. “I love men; I want them to be empowered to be leaders … but I also think that it’s a shame that there aren’t more women doing artistic, creative things in the music industry.”
It may not be red as the roses yet, it may not be as strong as the old oak trees;
but love planted deeply becomes what it ought to be.
Your love is steady and sure as the mountains high,
Moving my heart like a river that gently bends;
Your love is sure.
Your love is wide-open spaces where I can run;
And yet we’re tangled up roots in the warm broken earth
Yeah, our love is sure.
And it may not be clear as the morning yet;
It may not be wide as the restless sea,
But love given freely becomes what it ought to be.
-lyrics from “Ought to Be”
To listen to more of Audrey’s music, visit her on myspace (

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