Yesterday, Wednesday February 29, Cardinal Thomas Collins celebrated his recent elevation to the cardinalate with a Mass of Thanksgiving at Toronto's St. Michael's Cathedral. Toronto is a large archdiocese and, naturally, not everyone who wanted to attend could make it to the Mass. In order to include all of Toronto's faithful in this joyful moment Cardinal Collins will visit parishes in all four regions of the archdiocese this month. See the list below to find out where he'll be and how you can join in giving thanks for Canada's newest Cardinal.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Blessed Trinity Parish
3220 Bayview Ave. Toronto, ON
Mass starts at 7:30 pm followed by a reception
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
St. Isaac Jogues Parish
1148 Finch Ave, Pickering, ON
Mass starts at 7:30 pm followed by a reception
Monday, March 12, 2012
St. Francis Xavier Parish
5650 Mavis Rd. Mississauga, ON
Mass starts at 7:30 pm followed by a reception
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
St. Clare of Assisi Parish
150 St. Francis Ave, Woodbridge, ON
Mass starts at 7:30pm followed by a reception
© Emanuel Pires, Archdiocese of Toronto