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Concert in Aid to Women

Deacon Pedro

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I remember when my wife was pregnant the first time: the excitement of this new life growing inside of her,  the first time we heard the heartbeat. We spoke to the baby, we sang to him, played music… Unfortunately for many women (and men) this is not the case. Some women feel scared to be pregnant. Some feel they won’t be able to care for their baby. It is these desperate women who seek desperate measures in order to end their pregnancy. Many feel that they do not have a choice and many believe that an abortion will simply erase their pregnancy as if it had never happened. Many do not have the opportunity to speak to someone who will give them all the facts and listen to their fears and help them with compassion.
During this Advent Season, let me encourage you to support your local pro-life crisis pregnancy centre. Last week on S+L Radio, speaking with Julie Abernethy, a street counselor for Toronto’s Aid to Women, I found out that pro-life pregnancy centres receive zero dollars from the government, while abortion facilities receive some $15 million in government funds. Those figures just take my breath away.
Tonight I am going to the El Mocambo, one of Toronto’s best places to see live music, to listen to Joe Zambon, Trish Cleyn and Blaise Alleyne and to support Aid to Women. The concert and silent auction begin at 7:30 pm. So, if you’re in the Toronto area and are looking for something to do tonight, that's the place to be. I hope to see you there.
Today, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we celebrate the spotless life of a young woman who faced an unplanned pregnancy. She had a choice and she chose life. While not all conceptions are immaculate, all conceptions are a miracle and a blessing. This Advent/Christmas, let’s choose life and help others to make the same choice.

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