To mark his homecoming,
His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Feb. 29 at St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto. Salt + Light Television will air this celebration LIVE on our network at 10:30am ET on Feb. 29. If you don't get Salt + Light in your area, you can log onto our website and watch the Mass
via our livestream.
The Mass is a ticketed event due to the current capacity of St. Michael's Cathedral and ongoing restoration efforts. On the other hand, Archdiocesan officials are inviting the lay faithful to participate in the Mass by watching S+L's live coverage instead. This will avoid any disappointment on the part of the lay faithful.
Nearly 30 bishops from across Canada and 400 priests from across the Archdiocese will attend the Feb. 29 Mass. A delegation of government officials will also be in attendance.
Catholics throughout the
Archdiocese of Toronto and Southern Ontario will have a chance to pray and celebrate with Canada's newest cardinal through a series of regional events scheduled for late February and early March.
All celebrations listed below are open to the public. All are welcome to attend and greet Toronto's newest Cardinal!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Central Pastoral Region Celebration
Blessed Trinity Parish
3220 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Mass starts at 7:30 p.m. followed by a reception
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Eastern Pastoral Region Celebration
St. Isaac Jogues Parish
1148 Finch Ave., Pickering, Ont.
Mass starts at 7:30 p.m. followed by a reception
Monday, March 12, 2012
Western Pastoral Region Celebration
St. Francis Xavier Parish
5650 Mavis Rd., Mississauga, Ont.
Mass starts at 7:30 p.m. followed by a reception
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Northern Pastoral Region Celebration
St. Clare of Assisi Parish
150 St. Francis Ave., Woodbridge, Ont.
Mass starts at 7:30 p.m. followed by a reception
Credit: CNS photo