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Lectio Divina this Sunday: "The last will be first, and the first last"

Matthew Harrison

Friday, December 18, 2009

A parable sandwich?
ArcCollinsLectioThat's the case, Archbishop Collins explains, with the parable that is featured at this month's Lectio Divina.
The parable of the laborers in the vineyard, from Matthew 19:29-20:16, is sandwiched between the phrase "the last will be first, and the first last." And so Archbishop Collins reflects upon what our Lord is saying to us in the parable and how this ominous line ties into it.
Are we grumblers, complaining about every little injustice, like the laborers who received the same wage as those who did not work a full day? Or are we focused on living God's will for us? It's a good thing to consider as we work through Advent and prepare the way for the Lord in our lives at Christmas.
Pray our Lord’s parables, and join us for this month's broadcast edition of Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins: The Parables of Jesus, Sunday, December 20th at 8:30pm ET with an encore presentation Wednesday, December 23rd at 8pm ET, only on Salt + Light Television!

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