These quotes aren't intended to be a summary of Christus Vivit (in English, Christ Lives) as a whole. Rather, they are the passages that touched my heart most deeply. For an abridged, easier-to-read version of the document, stay tuned! I've put together a 10-page summary (as opposed to the original, which is 68) that will be especially useful for time-strapped young people, youth ministers, teachers, educators, and parents. Note: Numbers within parentheses refer to paragraphs from the document, not page numbers.
We begin our annual pilgrimage of Lent in faith and hope with the penitential rite of the imposition of ashes.
At the Manresa Spiritual Renewal Centre in Pickering, ON, retreatants of all ages can encounter a God of surprises.
In June, 2024, the domed roof and interior of St. Anne's Anglican Church in Toronto tragically burned down. However, the parish community continues to stand strong and serve its neighbourhood.
Pope Francis invites us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
Pope Francis invites us to pray for the right to an education for migrants, refugees and those affected by war; that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, may always be respected.