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New Episode of Word for Word: the Ultimate Family Reunion

Gillian Kantor

Thursday, January 6, 2011

When I was little, my mom’s side of the family would gather for a reunion almost every summer. At the time, it felt like a whirlwind of confusing introductions of second-cousins and great-aunts and uncles (many with the same, passed-down names) and my memories were made up of watered-down orange juice, group pictures, and spilling mustard on my new white shorts. But what I think of now – and what I can’t blame a 10-year-old for not appreciating – is the laughter, welcome, and feeling of being at home among generations with a shared history.
Now if I felt overwhelmed at the age of 10 when gathering among so many strangers (family, yes, but strangers still), imagine a family reunion of our Divine Family – the church family that spreads across countries and oceans and generations. This is us – we are all brothers and sisters with a Father in Heaven and a Mother Church. And in this upcoming episode of Word for Word, we consider what it’s like to be a member of the Divine Family and the covenant of kinship that God has made with our ancestors. Join us today, January 7th at 9pm ET when we talk with Dr. Scott Hahn, author of A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God’s Covenant Love in Scripture, and prepare to be reunited with your long-lost family.

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