For more information on the modifications made in the Normae de gravioribus delictis, including an introduction by the prefect of the congregation, Cardinal Levada, and the actual norms, visit the Vatican website HERE. You can find similar resources on the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishop's website HERE too. Catholic News Service's Rome bureau offers this report on the modifications as well:In 2001 the Holy Father John Paul II promulgated a very important document, the Motu Proprio "Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela", which gave the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith responsibility to deal with and judge a series of particularly serious crimes within the ambit of canon law. This responsibility had previously been attributed also to other dicasteries, or was not completely clear. Continue reading
Vatican says new norms will strengthen efforts against abusive priests By John Thavis VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican has revised its procedures for handling priestly sex abuse cases, streamlining disciplinary measures, extending the statute of limitations and defining child pornography as an act of sexual abuse of a minor. Vatican officials said the changes allow the church to deal with such abuse more rapidly and effectively, often through dismissal of the offending cleric from the priesthood. Continue reading- CNS photo/Paul Haring
At the Manresa Spiritual Renewal Centre in Pickering, ON, retreatants of all ages can encounter a God of surprises.
In June, 2024, the domed roof and interior of St. Anne's Anglican Church in Toronto tragically burned down. However, the parish community continues to stand strong and serve its neighbourhood.
Pope Francis invites us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
Pope Francis invites us to pray for the right to an education for migrants, refugees and those affected by war; that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, may always be respected.
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with the CND sisters and enjoy a special lunch of soup, pizza, salad, and dessert. While I was there, I thought it would be a great opportunity to ask the sisters about what they were looking forward to this Christmas.