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Nothing More Beautiful: Jesus Christ -- Lamb of God and Bread of Life

Matthew Harrison

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Through catechesis and witness talks Nothing More Beautiful is inviting viewers to encounter anew the beauty of Christ.
The latest encounter of this Archdiocese of Edmonton initiative focuses on the theme of Jesus Christ: Lamb of God and Bread of Life.
Bishop still-1Bishop Gary Gordon of the Diocese of Whitehorse, Yukon, provides the catechesis talk.  Prior to his appointment in 2006, this spiritual leader of about 8-thousand Catholics, served in many parishes throughout British Columbia.  He has also worked extensively in inter-faith dialogue and prison ministry.
Bishop Gordon framed his engaging and thoughtful reflection in the context of  Covenant and Communion.  Among his many stories, his work in prison ministry provided a touching example of Communion as he explained his experience of working with one inmate who became Catholic.
The witness talk is given by Sister Annata Brockman, SC.  A member of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Halifax for 60 years, this enthusiastic and busy octogenarian has worked for decades in the Edmonton area as an educator and pastoral associate.  Sister Annata spoke about her close relationship with God from an early age, and revealed this moving encounter with God a few years after she become a nun:
Witness still… All I had to do was to close my eyes, and experience God's loving presence.  … I said, "Only if you want to," and I repeated it: "Only if you want to, you can take away this awareness of your presence and give this experience to others somewhere in the world who are finding it difficult to cope with their situation" … From that moment this conscious awareness of God's loving presence within me left me, and I have not experienced it again in these last 50 years. I know that my love for God does not depend on feelings or emotions, but on my decision to love God, and Jesus our Lamb of God, and Bread of Life.
The theme of forgiveness also runs throughout Sister Annata's touching witness, and she offers us many stories of how God has worked in her life and how He has used her as an instrument to further the Kingdom.
Join us Saturday, February 13th at 9:00 pm ET, or Tuesday, February 16th at 8:30 pm ET for Nothing More Beautiful: Jesus Christ: Lamb of God and Bread of Life, only on Salt + Light Television!

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