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Nothing More Beautiful: The Church We Believe In Is Holy

Matthew Harrison

Friday, December 17, 2010

In the latest encounter of Nothing More Beautiful, Hamilton, Ontario's Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, offers the catechesis talk.  He shares a story from a retreat he was directing for students and professors at a university in Eastern Canada.  The story begins:
At noon we celebrated Mass in the boardroom. The room was packed, people standing and sitting around the huge board table. When I entered, I knew immediately which place was set for me, because the white linens were there and the chalice and the cruets for the wine and water and the bread were there. Sitting to the right of where I was going to be sitting was a young woman, a student at the university, and she had her bare feet up on the table, right beside where I was going to be celebrating Holy Mass.
She had rings on a few of her toes and she had a little bracelet around her ankle.
And I must say that I was disappointed. I was disappointed to think that a university student would be thoughtless. I expected more from university students.
As the story continues, we find that things aren't always what they seem.  I won't reveal how the story finishes, you'll have to tune in for Nothing More Beautiful: The Church We Believe In Is Holy, this Saturday, December 18th at 8pm ET, to hear that, but needless to say Bishop Crosby shows us that we would be wise to not pass judgment too quickly.  This powerful story is one of a handful that he offered which tie into finding holiness in everyday life, in everyday experiences, and in the people we meet everyday.
The witness talk is given by Agnes Bedard.  In her engaging talk, she shares her story growing up as Catholic and the models and guides in her life that were witnesses to holiness.  She also recounts her more recent experience of leadership roles with the Catholic Women's League of Canada, and how she had to trust in Jesus and not be afraid to take these responsibilities.
Nothing More Beautiful: The Church We Believe In Is Holy airs Saturday, December 18th or Wednesday December 22nd, at 8:00pm ET or 9:00pm PT.

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