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On-the-Ground at the March for Life

Andrew Santos

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fresh off of yesterday’s festivities, this year’s National March for Life in Ottawa stood out the most, in comparison to past years.
With that being said, among all of the people gathered on Parliament Hill yesterday, there was a renewed sense of energy; with lots of optimism, hope and joy.
Igniting praise among those who attended, Ottawa’s mayor Jim Watson signed a proclamation declaring May 12 as "Respect for Life Day."
In the many conversations I had with people yesterday, a common theme stood out amongst all of them, that being, Stephen Harper and the newly elected Conservative majority government.
Sister Lisette Romero, a professed member of the Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate, left Cambridge, Ontario at 3:30 a.m. to get to Ottawa. She believes that the Pro-life movement can’t be ignored for much longer.
Despite Stephen Harper’s promise that he will not re-open the debate on Abortion, many who took part in the Rally on Parliament Hill, including both speakers and students, are optimistic that Harper and a wave of new MP’s will look a little deeper and take up the opportunity to become more engaged and enlightened on the rights of the unborn.
This hotly-contested debate on abortion has once again re-ignited and it is becoming more apparent that Harper and our recently elected officials can not “back-burn” this issue any longer. It’s time that we bring this to the forefront of parliament and have a national discussion, once again.
As we look ahead, we should pray for our newly elected members of parliament with a renewed sense of optimism, hope and joy.
Through the intercession of Blessed John Paul II, we pray that God will keep our land, glorious and free.

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