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Pope Greets those Gathered for 2010 Catholic Media Convention in New Orleans

Matthew Harrison

Thursday, June 3, 2010

At the Wednesday General Audience Pope Benedict sent a greeting to those gathered in New Orleans for the Catholic Media Convention.  What he said is a great reminder for call Catholic communicators:
POPE-AUDIENCEThe theme of your meeting, "Spreading the Good News -- Byte by Byte," highlights the extraordinary potential of the new media to bring the message of Christ and the teaching of his Church to the attention of a wider public. If your mission is to be truly effective -- if the words you proclaim are to touch hearts, engage people's freedom and change their lives -- you must draw them into an encounter with persons and communities who witness to the grace of Christ by their faith and their lives. In this sense, it is my hope that your days together will renew and refresh your shared enthusiasm for the Gospel. Notwithstanding the many challenges you face, never forget the promise of Christ, "I am with you always, to the close of the age" (Mt 28:20).
The Holy Father also imparted his Apostolic Blessing for those attending the June 2nd-4th gathering.
You can read all the Holy Father's general audience, focusing on the great Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, on Zenit HERE.  And the Audience airs with English translation Thursdays on Salt + Light -- you can catch it at 9:30pm ET.
CNS photo/Paul Haring

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