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Salt + Light, EWTN, and Bell TV

Christopher Ketelaars

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Over the past month we have received many calls and emails from concerned viewers who received a letter from Bell stating they would be dropping EWTN and Salt + Light from their channel offerings.
Though there is some truth to that letter it there is also a great deal of confusion.
Bell TV (formerly Bell ExpressVu), has decided to no longer offer EWTN to their customers. They will continue to offer Salt + Light for the time being.
Much of the confusion has come from Bell TV's “Catholic Bundle,” which includes EWTN and Salt + Light. In their letter, Bell expresses that they will no longer offer EWTN and the EWTN/Salt + Light Bundle, leading many to believe that Salt + Light is no longer available.
This is not the case.
Salt + Light will still be offered as a stand-alone channel.
If you receive Salt + Light through Bell TV, we encourage you to write or call and express how important Catholic television and media is to you.
You can speak with a Bell TV customer service rep by calling 1.888.759.3474
or call us for further clarification at 1.888.302.7181.

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